Monday, July 2, 2012

ONCOURSE Article - Spring 2012 - Embracing God's Presence

Kari Jobe - "Embracing God's Presence"
By Christa A. Banister

Whether she's leading congregations in her home church in Southlake, Texas, sharing her songs with the global Church or simply enjoying the beauty of God's presence during her personal quiet time, Kari Jobe wants to leave behind a legacy where worship is front and center.

If there's anything the continued popularity of reality TV has taught us, it's that people from all walks of life - aspiring singers, teen moms, tattoo artists, housewives (desperate or otherwise) - are looking for their proverbial 15 minutes of fame, and they'll go to great lengths to get it, even if other people's feelings are compromised in the process.

For worship leader Kari Jobe, best known for popular tracks "I'm Singing," "Healer," "You Are For Me" and her recent number 1 single "We Are" from her new album Where I Find You, she's far more interested in leaving behind a legacy that's lasting (a.k.a not of the here-today-gone-tomorrow variety).  While being in the spotlight is a regular part of her life as a worship leader and recording artist, it's pointing people toward Christ and being a positive example to the young women who look up to her that's of primary importance.

"I have a lot of young girls who look up to me as an example.  It is a major goal of mine to live my life in a way that shows them what a godly woman looks like by my lifestyle and how I dress and to help them realize that we are daughters of the King," Kari shares.  "I ultimately want everyone to know and see that bringing honor and glory to the Father is the highest calling, whether I'm leading worship on stage or hanging out with friends.  That is a legacy I want to leave for those who come behind me."

Something that Kari is particularly passionate about is encourage - and empowering - our generation to worship, pursue holiness and live a life that's truly set apart.  While it's often tempting to simply blend in with the crowd and be a Christian when it's convenient, Kari believes that Christ-centered mindset begins with continually cultivating spiritual habits.

"It has to start in our personal life.  It is imperative that we spend time with the Father, in His Word, consistently," Kari says.  "It is in those times that authentic worship happens, a desire to pursue holiness, and when He is our focus, the world's distractions slowly fade away."

As someone who leads worship in her home church, not to mention in congregations around the world, Kari has to make her own quiet time with God a priority.  That way, when she's leading worship, she's not low on spiritual resources herself.

"How I seek God's face is always different, but I listen to worship music and worship the Lord by myself," Kari shares.  "I am always asking God what His agenda and heart is for that specific night by asking for direction from Him.  He knows what the people at that specific event are going through and what answers they're needing.  I love sharing Scripture and giving a little encouraging word at the events I lead worship at, so I have to hear before I lead."

For anyone who is still learning what it means to truly worship God in spirit and truth (and really, isn't that all of us?), Karie believes that when we have a love for the presence of God, it shows in our life and in our worship.

"Whether we are in private worship or leading a service,  if we worship out loud and declare the goodness of God, He comes and changes the atmosphere of a room," Kari says.  "People can experience this and hopefully develop a hunger to seek God in their own lives."

Once anyone starts experiencing God's presence on a regular basis, something Kari explores in depth on Where I Find You, that relationship becomes the ultimate game-changer on what imprinting his or her life.

"There were many instances when we had to stop whatever we were working on because I needed to go outside, take a walk and have my own time with God for a few minutes," Kari remembers.  "Again and again, I was so overtaken by how present He was while we were recording, and it's my hope and desire that people really feel the strength and intercession that was taking place while I worked on the album."

Another decidedly counter-cultural idea that resonates in Kari's new songs is how God never lets believers, including worship leaders, get to comfortable in their faith or permanently reside on the proverbial spiritual mountaintop.

"This past year has been the season of being completely uncomfortable and going through things I didn't understand that were really hard," Kari shares.  "I was literally having to hold on in my heart and trust He had everything in control.  You can even hear that a little in my vocals, especially on songs like 'Love Came Down,' 'Run To You' and 'What Loves Is This.'  It was a season that stretched me."  Even through all the growing pains, however, Kari says she was continually reminded of God's faithfulness.

"I think there are times as believers when we feel entitled and that life shouldn't be hard.  We live in this culture of convenience and find all the answers on Google," Kari says.  "But if we can trust Him in the middle of every storm, we build our endurance to keep running the race."

For more information on Kari Jobe and her ministry, please visit

Christina Bannister is a Dallas-based OC contributor and grad of North Central University.

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