Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vision: Sheep On The Battle Front (click for link)

So, we had our weekly prayer gathering for RIG this morning before church service in Bloomington.  Before we started to pray, Pastor Dotty spoke about praying for purpose.  So, as we joined hands and began to pray together, God gave me a vision for New England.  Now, don't look at the word "vision" and think "oh, no", because the Bible says without vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18).  If you still don't understand what vision is, read these 10 Keys To Developing Your Vision which talks about finding God's vision in ministry.  So, while we were praying, this is what the Lord showed me.

As we stood together in a circle holding hands I saw a white pillar standing in the middle of us.  I looked up and saw that it reached to a ceiling that then expanded out onto other pillars that surrounded behind us.  Between the pillars were flames of golden fire.  I was suddenly seeing the place where we were standing and praying from a distance.  I could see that we were inside this pillared building upon a tall, skinny, rock mountain.  I knew that we were not only praying in our physical self, but that we were in a place in the heavenlies interceding.  This was that place.

Suddenly, the main pillar that stood in the middle of the place where we were standing was gone and Jesus stood there in its place.  He was covered in blood, as he would have appeared on the cross.  I felt a moment of fright to suddenly be confronted by this scene, but then looked into Jesus' eyes and saw how piercing they were and I felt rather than heard him speaking to me.  Then, he reached forward and put his arms around me and I felt perfect peace.  He was clothed in robes of white and full of glory.  He spoke into my ear, "will you follow?" 

Then we were facing a field.  I could see sheep scattered throughout this field.  The sky was covered in grey clouds which made the place seem dark and I could see shadowy figures standing throughout the field.  We all suddenly walked into the field and struck down the shadows with our swords.  Behind these shadowy figures we found sheep that had been hidden behind them.  They seemed hurt and frightened.  I reached out with my hand and touched a sheep on it's side.  I brought my hand away and saw an imprint of red blood that was there for a moment and then dissolved into the sheep's wool (John 1:29, Romans 3:10-12,23; 5:9, Colossians 1:20, 1 John 1:7, and Revelation 1:5; 5:9).  Suddenly, the sheep was transformed into a person.  They were clothed in armor.  I watched as we all saw this happen to all the sheep that were in the valley.

Then, we gathered to the top of the next hill and looked over.  A dark, wide valley full of sheep spread out before us.  The same shadowy figures we had encountered in the last valley were there.  But, this time they were not just hiding the sheep from us.  They were torturing and devouring the sheep.  We listened to the call to attack from the generals posted along our lines.  Then, we ran forward with a loud roar and struck down every evil thing.  Again, we saw the blood restore the lost sheep.

When the darkness was defeated in that valley, we gathered to the top of the next ridge and I saw a horrible sight.  There were sheep gathered on the shores of the ocean.  I saw the shadowy figures like before, but these were giants.  They were picking up the sheep and throwing them into the water.  The sheep were screaming and I watched as when they hit the water they were transformed into people crying and trying to escape the water that seemed to be pulling them under.  I looked out farther onto the water and saw giant, dark ships shooting cannons at the people in the water, trying to kill them.  

I then looked to the right and saw the Lord on a white horse with fire in his eyes.  A great battle cry rose up from him and we all joined in.  We charged down to the beach.  As I attacked and struck down the evil around us, I watched others doing the same and saw the sheep on the beach being saved.  Then, I noticed soldiers racing right out onto the water, running across it as if it were another field and not something they could sink into.  They reached down, pulling people out of the water and embracing them.  Then, again I looked farther and saw more people charging the ships with torches and burning the ships.

When all the dark figures had been destroyed and the light returned, we looked around at each other and saw many people we had never met but felt close to.  We had all fought together and the battle was won!  We couldn't help but raise up a victorious cry!  

We knew it wasn't quite finished, because there were many more places to cross through, but we had grown together and realized the significance of being the Body of Christ.


Then, were were again in the pillared place on the mountain.  But, this time, we were not alone!  There were countless people also there, praying and lifting their hands worshiping God.  I looked and saw that the pillared place was much larger than before and that even the mountain itself had grown.  I knew that God was bringing together the Body of Christ.  

So, you may have found revelation within this vision.  I encourage you to share what you felt by leaving a comment below.  I believe this vision was a reminder that we are to find Jesus' lost sheep and fight for them.  The one thing we can most assuredly be guaranteed is that the battle is already won!  But, we can't do it ourselves.  We must have the Lord guiding us and we must walk in unity.  It isn't about this church or that church, or this pastor or that pastor.  It's about the Body of Christ being knitted and joined together.

"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16

Written by Nickie Farley

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